FujiNet YAIL with VBXE Support

YAIL Image Streamer for Atari 8 with VBXE Support

If you are not already familiar, YAIL is Yet Another Image Loader for Atari 8 Bit computers that works with FujiNet. Server software running on this website automatically converts and feeds images to the YAIL app on the Atari. All you need to do is set your graphics mode and enter a search term for the server to stream images from the internet to your Atari.

The YAIL app and YEET server were written by Brad Colbert and the source code is available on Github. YAIL can be mounted from the fujinet.online TNFS server located at ATARI/FujiNet-Apps/YAIL.XEX. For users with a VBXE upgraded Atari, you can set the graphics mode to 20 in YAIL (command: gfx 20) which enables the high resolution image streaming. Below is a demo video of the app in action.

Early Draft of FujiNet Users Manual for ATARI Users 0.0.2

A work in progress User’s Guide and Programming Reference for ATARI based FujiNets is being written. The effort is led by Thomas Cherryhomes. The goal is to provide both a comprehensive user’s and a programmer’s guide.

You can download the most recent render here: https://github.com/FujiNetWIFI/fujinet-manuals/releases/download/fujinet-atari-users-guide-0.0.2/fujinet_for_atari_users.pdf

The source material is being written in XML using the DocBook 5.1 grammar, which is well suited for writing technical documentation. You can get it here on GitHub: https://github.com/FujiNetWIFI/fujinet-manuals

While the User’s Guide revolves around showing new and experienced ATARI users what they can do with their FujiNet, the Programmers guide gives both a reference of how to control the FujiNet from languages such as Atari BASIC, FastBasic, ACTION!, C, and Assembler, but give a consistent set of examples that can be used as a “Rosetta Stone” for each, namely NETCAT, a terminal emulator, and MASTODON, a program which fetches the latest post from a Mastodon server and displays it.

As with everything in FujiNet land, anyone can help! If you want to participate in making this user’s guide, feel free to contact us, leave us a comment below, or join us on Discord!

FujiNet-RS-232 WIP Video

This is a video showing the current status (as of 2024-12-26) of the RS-232-C version of FujiNet, and the corresponding PC host software (COM, FUJICOM, and the client programs, ISS, NGET, NPUT, and NC).

The last part of the video talks about the X1 experiment to implement a BIOS interface for FujiNet using software INT 0xF5.

  • COM implements the low level RS232 routines.
  • FUJICOM implements the FujiNet command to device layer.
  • ISS is the International Space Station Tracker
  • NGET retrieves to a file from any network endpoint.
  • NPUT puts a file to any network endpoint.
  • NC is a dumb terminal to any network endpoint.

NC, NGET, and NPUT use the network device, and you can pass any available protocol adapter to it, e.g. TCP, UDP, FTP, HTTP/S, SSH, TELNET, SMB, NFS, and more, with the ability to add more protocol adapters. The FujiNet does all the hard work, and presents a nice clean interface to the target PC.

The above programs use FUJICOM directly, but this is not the intent for any final user program, at all. What is intended is for a BIOS interface to be used, abstracting for any physical interface. This will be important as the ISA version of FujiNet comes into existence. The X1 code is not working, and I need eyes to help fix it.

Eventually, it is intended that the work for X1 will be used to implement a DOS device driver, to directly deal with, not only disk images, provide the virtual printer, but also to provide file level access to MS-DOS directly for any network endpoint.

If you can help, please join us on our Discord!

Code: https://github.com/FujiNetWIFI/fujinet-rs232

Hardware: https://github.com/FujiNetWIFI/fujinet-hardware

GRiDCase International Space Station Tracker

Merry Christmas everyone! RS-232-C FujiNet Works!

The RS-232-C version of FujiNet is starting to work. For now, the bring-up platform is MS-DOS, and specifically, my GRiDCASE 1530.

To get things running quickly, I borrowed the same protocol used by the Atari FujiNet (SIO), and adapted its control signals to RS-232-C equivalents. It is running at 9600 baud, and the firmware is working.

Using Turbo C 2.0, I quickly wrote an ISS tracker to test the network device, and I had to write a quick graphics library in the process, I refuse to use BGI. It draws in CGA, and uses the color palette and background to good effect, and looks good on both my color display and my gas plasma LCD.

While this does prove that the firmware is working as expected, the ISS program was written to directly use the serial comms routines that I put together for the RS232 FujiNet. This is not ideal, because there will be an ISA version of FujiNet for PCs, and I want them to use the same programming interface.


To this effect, I have drawn up a specification for a BIOS that will insert itself at INT 0xF5 and 0xF6 to communicate with the FujiNet. This will allow for a standard interface to whatever versions of FujiNet end up on MS-DOS machines (including some not-so-IBM compatibles like Sanyo MBC-550, Apricot PC/Xi/Xen/Fx, Mindset, etc.)

You can read the specification here: https://github.com/FujiNetWIFI/fujinet-rs232/blob/main/fujinet-bios.md

I have attempted to start implementations in this repo: https://github.com/FujiNetWIFI/fujinet-rs232

A deeper dive into the RS-232-C code:

  • COM.C – is the lower level interrupt driven serial port code.
  • FUJICOM.C – Implements the FujiNet command protocol using COM.C.
  • FUJITIME.C – Uses FUJICOM to send NTP commands to set MS-DOS date/time.
  • X1/ – The first experiment for a FujiNet BIOS, it has issues; need help.
  • ISS/ – Uses FUJICOM to implement the ISS tracker.

X1 is where the first FujiNet BIOS experiment is happening. It takes COM and FUJICOM and attempts to implement a BIOS dispatching interface for a couple of example commands.

TEST.COM is a DEBUG written program that sends a GET ADAPTER CONFIG command to FujiBios and tells it to place its buffer at offset 0120 in the program segment.

READY.COM is another DEBUG program written to test command 0. It’s in flux.

BIOSTEST.C and TEST3.C were C programs intended to test the BIOS call interface and debug what is happening.

When I call the BIOS functions that use FUJICOM/COM, I can transmit just fine, receiving suddenly becomes an issue, bytes don’t show up, and sometimes the FIFO just hangs with no bytes available (when there should be)

Anyone who can help, I could appreciate some eyes on this.

Building Hardware

The Hardware for the FujiNet RS-232-C device is in the fujinet-hardware repo, if you want to build a device to help hack on this: https://github.com/FujiNetWIFI/fujinet-hardware/tree/master/RS232

If you want to help, please stop by the Discord!


FujiNet in 2025

FujiNet had an amazing 2024. I can’t wait to see what happens for 2025.

FujiNet is not a private company. We are a public project. You can help.

We want more platforms: Commodore, BBC Micro, ZX Spectrum, Bally Astrocade, IBM PC, NEC PC-6001, and more.

Can you help with any platform you want to see FujiNet on? Join us in Discord: https://discord.gg/2Ce9guX

We want existing platforms to get ports of 5 Card Stud and Fujitzee. Want to help? Come to Discord and tap @EricCarrGH on the shoulder.

We want more games on FujiNet. Have a game idea you want to help with? Let’s meet in the #fuji-game-system on Discord.

e.g. Artillery, turn based war games, etc.

We want to bring FujiNet to Game systems, starting with the Atari 2600 and Intellivsion. Are you a game developer? Join us on Discord!

(we also want Atari Lynx developers to help get the Lynx version to a usable state!)

We want help designing a bus interface that can be used to bring FujiNet to anything with a card edge. Have RP2040/2350 experience? Come join us on the Discord!

Again: FujiNet is not a private company, we are a public project, whose goal is to bring modern and useful networking to all the Retrocomputing and Retrogaming platforms. But we need your help.

I have a saying, I have limited engineering cycles, but I make time to teach. I freely give any bit of my knowledge to anyone who stumbles into the FujiNet discord, on a variety of software and firmware subjects. Others do it for hardware. Come and learn in the discord.


FujiNet at VCFMW 19 in 2024

The FujiNet team gathered together in Schaumburg Illinois September 6-8, 2024 for the Vintage Computer Festival 19. It was the first time some of us met in person even though we’ve know each other for years working together online and at the same time old friends getting to see each other again. VCFMW 19 outgrew itself from last year and moved to a massively larger venue which was amazing.

The FujiNet table showed a new cross platform demo called Bounce World by FujiNet Lib creator Mark Fisher. The virtual Bounce World has a server that runs on a modern computer and the retro clients get current world data from it for display. The clients show moving shapes that bounce off each other and move throughout the world which stretches across the displays of each client.

In typical FujiNet fashion, the team got some real work done together over the weekend. Andy Diller had his heart set on getting FujiNet for Foenix Retro Systems working and enlisted the help of Mr Pitre. For the first time FujiNet was able to communicate with NitrOS-9 running on the F256 using the already implemented Drivewire protocol. Drivewire is also used for the Tandy Color Computer FujiNet.

Jaime Idolpx and Retro Tech Dan did some digging into the IEC driver used by both Meatloaf and FujiNet

IEC Debugging

Jeff Piepmeier and Thomas Cherryhomes work on making the ESP32-S3 play nice with FujiNet firmware

Jeff P and Thom C

Jeff Piepmeier (far left) on a panel about making modern hardware for vintage computers

Jeff P (left)