New Era of Gaming: FujiNet Game Server

Recently a flurry of activity on the gaming front has resulted in development, deployment, and usage of the FujiNet Game Server system and a working client for Atari 8-bits. More client platforms are planned soon. The first working Game Server is an implementation of Five Card Stud. More games are also planned now that there is one amazing example.


JSON meets Atari

Parsing and using JSON is one of the fundamental components of the Modern Web. Now your Atari can do it with the help of FujiNet and the N: (network) device! Of course there is a excellent video which will break this down for you in a few moments:

The N: is new, and as such it’s documented over at the FujiNet wiki and it worth a read:

The N: device gives you access to a whole slate of modern web protocols in Atari Basic!