FujiNet is a multi-peripheral emulator and WiFi network device for vintage computers. The first completed hardware was for Atari 8-Bit computers and development has begun for other systems with the goal of supporting as many as possible. What sets FujiNet apart from other WiFi devices is the new Network Device (the N device, or NDEV). The N device allows vintage computers that do not have enough processing power to handle TCP/IP connections talk to the modern internet over WiFi. Virtual adapters have been created for many protocols including: TCP, UDP, HTTP, FTP, TNFS, HTTPS (SSL/TLS), SSH, TELNET, WebDAV and JSON parser.  Read more...


The 8th RAPID – The Extended Cut Page at atariorbit.org has more words and images about the events in the RAPID.

5 Card Stud C64 Menu

FujiNet Lobby: Game & Platform Expansion

Work continues on the FujiNet Game Lobby and support for the Commodore 64 platform has begun. The Atari 8 platform gets an updated version of the FujiNet enabled Reversi BASIC game client and is now available to play from the Lobby. We are working on a new chat server for the Lobby so people can […]


FujiNet and Meatloaf at VCFSW 2023

Thomas Cherryhomes and Jaime Idolpx attended VCFSW 2023 to show off the FujiNet and Meatloaf projects. On display was the upcoming FujiNet for Apple 2 Revision 1 hardware, the “FujiLoaf” prototype hardware for the Commodore 64, the FujiNet / Meatloaf “Nugget” for Commodore IEC (VIC-20, Plus/4, 64, 128), FujiNet for Atari Lynx and of course the original FujiNet for Atari 8-Bit