Hi guys, reaching out for anyone who may be able to help implement a feature missing from the N: handler, “burst mode”

Specifically, when more than 1 byte is requested by an IOCB, set up a read for that many bytes directly into the buffer specified by the IOCB.

The nice thing is, that an intermediate buffer will no longer be required (it’s only required for disk because of the fact that you must read at least a whole sector’s worth of data at a time), however on the N: device, you use DAUX1/DAUX2 in tandem with DBYT to specify how many bytes to read at a time, with DBUF pointing to a target buffer.

I did implement this in an early draft of the NDEV handler 5 years ago, but was unable to fully debug it.

If you can help, the current code is here: https://github.com/FujiNetWIFI/fujinet-nhandler/blob/master/handler/src/ndev.s

CIO GET: https://github.com/FujiNetWIFI/fujinet-nhandler/blob/master/handler/src/ndev.s#L224

CIO PUT: https://github.com/FujiNetWIFI/fujinet-nhandler/blob/master/handler/src/ndev.s#L431

The above two routines are currently built to use a 128 byte buffer RBUF, and an index RLEN,X, but with burst they would hopefully be simpler.