Wiki Home >> Software-Changes-for-New-Platforms


When Adding a new platform, the following must be add to fujinet-firmware repository in order for it to be built by the build tools and github autodeploy:

  • a new entry in build-platforms/ for the platformio.ini templating, just the files existence will make it work when anything refers to it, follow naming convention of platformio-{build_board}.ini
  • a new entry in data/webui/config + data/webui/device_specific for WebUI templating. Name it {build_board}.yaml, this controls which parts of the WebUI are enabled when user configures it via web

The build_board name should follow a similar pattern to other boards, e.g. fujinet-<host>-<board>.

Once your build is stable, and devices working well, you can add the following to ensure it gets built on every code change to fujinet-firmware:

  • a new entry in .github/workflows, and refer to the name in autobuild.yml for github autobuild.

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