Wiki Home >> Printing-Text-File-to-Printer


For this test, you will need

  • Atari Computer
  • FujiNet
  • Working Internet Connection
  • Web Browser (Chrome currently broken!), on a PC or other suitable device.


  1. Power on FujiNet
  2. Power on Atari
  3. Boot into Config
  4. Press C to show configuration
  5. Make note of the hostname, you will connect to it in a web browser. Press a key to return to Hosts/drives.
  6. If you do not have a host for, edit one of the host slots to add it to the list.
  7. Select from hosts. Disk Images should appear.
  8. Select Tests folder
  9. Select printing-test.atr
  10. Mount in D1:
  11. Mount as R/O. Ensure that printing-test is mounted as R in D1:
  12. Press OPTION to boot. hold OPTION to disable BASIC, if needed.
  13. Wait for DOS XL.
  14. Go to the hostname, in your web browser, e.g. http://espressif/ FujiNet Web Admin should appear.
  15. Scroll to bottom of page.
  16. Select Atari 820 from Change Printer Type, which is a 40 column printer type. Press Change.
  17. Verify printer type is now Atari 820 on P1:
  18. At DOS XL command prompt, type the following:
    D1:COPY GPL40.TXT P:
  19. Wait for operation to complete. (Approximately 4 minutes)
  20. Go to web browser, click the printer icon below "Click to download your current print-out:"
  21. Open the file.
  22. Verify that a 40 column print-out of the GPL 3.0 occurred (Due to control character interpretation, last page will be weird. This is normal.)
  23. Go to web browser, Change Printer type to 1027, which is an 80 column printer. Press Change
  24. Verify that Current: is Atari 1027 on P1:
  25. At DOS XL command prompt, type the following:
    D1:COPY GPL80.TXT P:
  26. Wait for operation to complete. (Approximately 4 minutes)
  27. Go to web browser, click printer icon below "Click to download your current print-out:"
  28. Open the file.
  29. Verify that an 80 column print-out of GPL 3.0 occurred.
  30. Test done. Turn off Atari.

Expected Result

  • Two PDF files, containing 40 and 80 column printed output of the GNU Public License 3.0

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