Wiki Home >> Loading-PLATOTERM-to-access-IRATA.ONLINE


For this test, you will need

  • Atari
  • FujiNet
  • Working WiFi Connection
  • in an available host slot.


  1. Power on FujiNet
  2. Power on Atari
  3. Wait for CONFIG to boot.
  4. In Hosts, select host slot.
  5. Select the Comms/ directory.
  6. Select the plato.atr disk image.
  7. Mount in D1: as R/O
  8. When HOSTS / DRIVES re-appears, hold OPTION to boot.
  9. Wait for PLATOTERM to boot.
  10. Immediately after the PLATOTERM version banner, you should receive from the host:

    Connecting to host...please wait.
  11. Followed by the IRATA.ONLINE sign-on banner.
  12. If you do not have a sign-on on IRATA.ONLINE, use the username guest, and the group name guest.
  13. Press CTRL-SHIFT-S to log off.
  14. Power off, test complete.

Expected Result

  • PLATOTERM should load and connect to IRATA.ONLINE, displaying the resulting output, and allowing keyboard interaction with the service.

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