Wiki Home >> Error-Codes-for-N:-Device


The N: Device can emit the following error codes.

131Protocol is in Write-only mode
132Protocol was sent an invalid command
133No protocol attached.
135Protocol is in read-only mode
138Timed out
144A critical error occurred. SIO reports this, get the actual Error code from byte 4 of STATUS.
146Command not implemented
151File Exists
162No space on device
165Invalid Devicespec
167Access Denied
170File not found (emitted by filesystem adaptors)
200Connection Refused (equivalent to errno ECONNREFUSED)
201Network Unreachable (equivalent to errno ENETUNREACH)
202Connection Timeout (equivalent to errno ETIMEDOUT)
203Network is down (equivalent to errno ENETDOWN)
204Connection was reset during read/write (equivalent to errno ECONNRESET)
205Connection in progress (EAGAIN)
206Address in use (EADDRINUSE)
207Not Connected
208Server not Running
209No connection waiting
210Service Not Available
211Connection Aborted
212Invalid Username or Password (debating whether to overload as access denied.)
255Could not allocate either receive or transmit buffers.

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